michigan murder

43- The Gathering

43- The Gathering

A young family annihilator and a father in the throes of mental illness are responsible for two of the most tragic events to occur in the town of Muskegon, Michigan- both on Thanksgiving Day.

26- Holey Sh!t

26- Holey Sh!t

When the mother of a teenage criminal manipulates him and his young wife into forming a suicide pact, a horrific chain of events follows. Did Kathleen Holey get away with murder? And what became of the couple's innocent children?

22- The Sadler Special

22- The Sadler Special

A gruesome beheading. A brutal double-murder. A diabolical serial killer. In episode 22, Jenn and Dani talk to true crime author Rod Sadler about the cases covered in his books.

21- Youngbloods

21- Youngbloods

Teenage love is intense and often fleeting. But sometimes, it leads to obsession or even violence. In this episode, the girls talk about the killer in Jenn’s family and the time Dani’s mom nearly became a murder victim.

13- Law and Order

13- Law and Order

Did you know that the first woman ever convicted of murder in Michigan was actually innocent? Jenn and Dani discuss the maddening case of Mary Brooks and interview the curator of the haunted courthouse where her trial took place.

09- Girl Power

09- Girl Power

The hosts of Girlfriends Happy Hour Podcast join Jenn and Dani in the So Dead lair to bring attention to the unsolved murders of Mid-Michigan women.

06- Shooting Marbles

06- Shooting Marbles

A love triangle turned Old West style shootout in 1800s Ingham County. Dani and Jenn deconstruct the crime and discuss the Marble legacy with Carol Koenig, the current owner of the estate where the murders took place.

05- The Kehoe Connection

05- The Kehoe Connection

One community. Two horrific crimes. One last name. Jenn and Dani discuss the connection between two of Mid-Michigan’s most notorious criminals.

03 - Family Man

03 - Family Man

What could possibly be worse than being murdered by a member of your own family, someone you loved and trusted? How about being buried beside them for all eternity? Jenn and Dani vent about this horrific practice, and how shockingly common it is.

01 - Rivalry

01 - Rivalry

Located less than 100 miles apart, the rivalry between Michigan State University and the University of Michigan has been going strong for decades. Football, basketball, hockey…serial killers? In their super-sized first episode, Jenn and Dani pit evil against evil in a battle for the title of MVP (Most Vile Psycho), with input from a very special guest- author and star of the History Channel's American Ripper Jeff Mudgett, a direct descendant of America's first serial killer.